Indonesian authorities aim to make Borobudur a more sustainable destination

Changes in Borobudur Visitor Policy

Indonesian authorities have announced that, as a trial until 14 April, visitors will be able to actually climb certain structures within the Borobudur complex near Yogyakarta, one of the country’s most popular visitor attractions. This will enable tourists to once again get closer to the temples and have a deeper, more immersive experience. We do not yet know if the trial will be extended but we will provide further information when we have it.

Authorities have also imposed a new daily 1200 visitor limit to the temple complex. The new measure is designed to limit visitors to 150 per hour to make the experience less crowded and more pleasant, and to protect the structures from overtourism. Visitors will need to book their slot in advance, and of course the Khiri Indonesia team can provide this service for our clients.

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